
Psychics obtain information using a wide range of skills and unique abilities. While some have a very specialized gift, I can identify with several of the styles.

To date, my skills include, but are not limited to, Empath readings (clear feeling of emotions), Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Claircognizance (clear knowing), Automatic writing/channeling (writing without conscious intent), Mediumship (communication between dead and living), and Telepathy (strong sense of thoughts).  I use a combination of them all to access the information that can help people.

It wasn’t until later, through a series of unexplainable and exceptional experiences, that I began to accept the role these gifts intended to play in my life. As time went on, the most consistent characteristic of my abilities, is that they continue to expand, advance, and evolve the more I use them. With each experience, I delve further into the practice, which expands what I have to offer others.

Because of it’s ever-changing nature, it is difficult to select a specific title or job description to fully describe what I do. For lack of a better definition, I access information or messages from divine sources that can help you make life decisions from a more empowered place.


The Purpose

It’s my belief that we all have loved ones that have transitioned into the next world who are acting as our guides or angels. Their help is intended to offer valuable insight into our pasts, presents, or futures. They try to remove obstacles, provide guidance, and illuminate important information about your situation. My role is to share these relevant messages with you, and help you understand the best way to use the information in your life.